Tuesday, December 11, 2012


In case anyone was wondering, here's a list of board/card games me and the wife own.

Board Games:
Elder Sign  (Video)

Mansions of Madness (Video Tutorial)

Pandemic (Video)
Scotland Yard
The Game of Life
Taboo (even a spot online that gives you random cards if you want to play around)
Zombies!!! plus Zombie Corps(e) and Mall Walkers
Last Night on Earth (video of it being played)
D&D: Wrath of Ashardalon
D&D: Castle Ravenloft
D&D: Legend of Drizzt
Munchkin plus Unnatural Axe and Clerical Errors (video of it being played) (and yes, I know Munchkin is technically a card game, but we have a board for it, dammit, so it's a board game)

Card Games:
Smash Up (NEW!)

Phase 10

Friday, December 7, 2012


New Game!

We just got a new board game to play. It is a great, inexpensive game that is full of crazy monsters and goofy items. Even if you don't win you will be laughing the whole time.

It has several variations and expansions. I would suggest going the extra 5$ and get the game board (isn't required) but it helps for visualization for people who don't live in their head as much as I do. Check it out HERE