Saturday, March 30, 2013

More Fun with Guns!!

Fantastic Weather and Fun with Friends

   Evan, Josh "Dante", Colby "Napoleon", and I went shooting today! We shot some .45's and broke in Evan's brand new Ruger 10/22 Takedown. It was a fantastic little gun, pretty accurate right out of the box. A slight problem with the sites (which is to be expected with a collapsible gun and it is nothing that can't be fixed. That or you could just override with a scope). Colby is working on getting used to his 1911 Para. There was a fantastic view, an ugly surprise, and some good old fun shooting water bottles :)!

Fantastic View!
Fantastic View Panorama
Some poor mountain goat got caught in all the snow :(

Colby and Josh

Evan shooting the Ruger 10/22 Takedown

Colby sporting his new 1911 Para

Time to clean the gear! Evan is a master at breaking down and managing his guns. Everything is pristine before it gets put away again.