Monday, August 20, 2012

Zombies Game Night!

A night of playing Zombies!

Zombies! Is a game that we like to play on game nights when we have enough time and room to set it up. Here is one of those occasions. Players are Doyle, Evan, Alyssa (my sister-in-law), Fred, Annie (my cousin), Spencer (Annie's husband), and me (Tricia).

Fred, Evan, Alyssa, Spencer, Annie

Fred, Evan, Alyssa, and the Zombie board

Evan, Alyssa, Spencer, Annie

Fred and Evan

Doyle "Den" and Fred (kind of blurry)


  1. Wow - that looks like quite the game :-) Love the blog too!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *fixed* The point of the game is to escape the Zombies and get to the Helipad first. The board is always different because the players build it as the game goes on by drawing a map tile every turn and placing it. It's always a blast to play with a group of people!
